National Smoothie Day MI Farm to Freezer Recipe


With hot summer days just around the corner, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate two national days at the market! This past Monday (June 21st) was coincidentally National Smoothie Day AND National Yoga Day. We couldn't think of a better combination, so the market teamed up with our neighbors from the Yoga Shelter, who offered a Fusion and a Vinyasa class in the Woodward Corners Rain Garden. We also had a HUGE helping hand from "Mark the Man!", co-founder of Michigan Farm to Freezer, a local frozen fruit and veggie supplier who provides Michiganders greater access to the beautiful bounty of our resource-rich region.


Together the Yoga Shelter brought the heat, and MI Farm to Freeze brought fresh and packed with nutrition smoothies, yet another perfect combination. Due to popular demand, a lot of laughs, and a dozen questions, we talked Mark into sharing his secret smoothie recipes that we made at the market. View the instructions and ingredient lists below for two recipes that are bound to be a summer favorite:


Double Cherry Smoothie


  1. Load the MI Farm to Freezer Tart Cherry and Sweet Cherry bags into the blender until the mix fills up half of the container.

  2. Pour the apple juice in the blender so it reaches half way up the mixture

  3. Pour the unsweetened vanilla almond milk to the top of the mixture

  4. Blend, taste test and enjoy! For a smoother consistency add more liquid to your liking,


  • 1 MI Farm to Freezer Bag of Tart Cherry

  • 1 MI Farm to Freezer Bag of Sweet Cherry

  • Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

  • Apple Juice


South Michigan

Blend Smoothie


  • 1 MI Farm to Freezer South Michigan Blend Bag

  • Vanilla Almond Milk

  • Apple Juice


  1. Load the South Michigan Blend into the blender until the mix fills up half of the container.

  2. Pour the apple juice in the blender so it reaches half way up the mixture

  3. Pour the unsweetened vanilla almond milk to the top of the mixture

  4. Blend, taste test and enjoy! For a smoother consistency add more liquid to your liking,

We found some of Mark's secret recipes on the inside of his blender box.

We found some of Mark's secret recipes on the inside of his blender box.

If you're looking to support local and treat yourself along the way, grab a bag of MI Farm to Freezer fruits or veggies in our frozen department and sign up for a class from the Yoga Shelter. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you. Show these local partners some extra support by following their social channels below:

MI Farm to Freezer: Instagram | Facebook

Yoga Shelter: Instagram | Facebook